Shadows, Yellowstone NP, USA

Welcome to our website. Here you will find many of the photos and videos we do on our voyages. 

In the Blog you will find stories of our experiences worldwide. The blog is written in Spanish but you can use the translation tool to read it in other languages. It is not perfect but we'll try to write simple sentences, to facilitate the automatic translation.

In  Picture of the month we will discuss how we have made a picture, describing how we made it and what technique we used.

In Photo of the month archive you will find all the photos that we have been uploading, organized by year.

In Videos we will show some  audiovisuals or small clips on a specific topic.

We hope you enjoy all this content and you feel encouraged to visit those wonderful places.



- Pictures from our trip to Lemmenjoki, Finland

contents © Juan Abal - Yolanda Morenosite by Bluekea